A few weekends ago I ran my last race of the season, a 5K “Holiday Hustle”. The weather was cold. My lungs burned with every breath. When I was done I could taste my own blood.
Every race has it’s theme. This time, it was working through discomfort, a skill I have to confess, is one that needs some improvement.
I’ve been reading a lot lately about top runners and one thing they have in common is that their training, their genetics, only take them so far. After a point, what makes them perform amazing physical feats is the mental ability to push through their discomfort, their pain, their apparent limitations and tough it out.
Now I primarily race against myself. Yes, I enjoy placing and the accompanying swag that goes with it, but that’s not what motivates me (entirely). I want to see how far I can push myself. I like to challenge my mind and my body and running allows me to do both. And this race, more than any other this season, challenged me to work through an intense burn with every breath. My reward was that I ran my fastest 5K of the season (and the sole ornament for our little Christmas tree).
As I reflect on my running season, I realize that my success came from not just my efforts alone, but the support of my wife, Angela, and Cadence, when she brought him, who were always there to cheer me on, either at the finish line or at the start. For them I am grateful.